Rimwall Summit
Elevation: 2680 m
Elevation gain: 1020 m
Rimwall Summit is the unofficial name for the peak immediately west of West Wind Pass. The name is a local one bestowed upon the peak since a wall of impressive cliffs rim the summit on both the sides visible from the Bow Valley.
My Ascents:
September 14 2008, August 2 2010
On a fine September day, I decided that it was too nice out to stay in the city. Not having any friends (at least none that were willing to scramble with me on such short notice), I made my way west to Canmore to take on an “easy” scramble solo.
The impressive north face of Rimwall as seen from the Trans-Canada highway near Dead Man's Flats.
The more ascendable south slopes as seen from the West Wind Pass parking area near Spray Lake.
A pleasant place to stop for lunch. About 2/3 of the way up. Spray Lake and Old Goat Mountain shimmer in the sun.
Views of the Windtower, Mount Lougheed (I and II) across West Wind Pass.
Mount Sparrowhawk, covered in snow, much like it was earlier this summer when I tried to climb it!
Interesting peak along the spine of Rimwall summit.
Helicopter flyover. The first of many. Alpine helicopters must have made a fortune on this clear, sunny afternoon!
Typical scrambling terrain. All rock bands could be easily circumvented.
The Windtower across West Wind Pass, showcasing its 760 m sheer vertical drop.
Finally a view of the summit complete with 2 scramblers atop.
Walking the ridgeline to the summit. Note that to the right of this ridge lies the north cliffs which were visible from the Trans-Canada.
The Mount Lougheed massif makes for a scenic backdrop as I pass a group of fellow scramblers on their way down.
One final rock band to overcome just below the summit.
10 second timer summit pose. Nothing quite as ridiculous as repeatedly setting the camera, running along a narrow ridge to the summit and posing!
A spectacular view of the Three Sisters above Canmore from the summit. Click to see larger.
Mount Rundle in the distance through the gap between the Big and Middle Sisters.
Looking down the spine of Rimwall summit to Spray Lake.
Interesting peak along the spine.
Where to begin! Mount Collembola, Mount Allan, the Windtower, Mount Lougheed and Mount Sparrowhawk make for a fine panorama to the southeast.
Directly east, the gentle grassy slopes of Wind ridge ease the mountains into the prairie.
Another party of scramblers makes their way along the ridge towards the summit.
More 10-second timer use. I'm getting better at it at this point!
The Little Sister over Canmore.
Spray lake curls into Kananaskis country.
Spray Lake panorama. Click to see larger.
Self-portrait (oh my, look at those chops!) - Sick of running for the 10-second timer!
Mount Sparrowhawk still calls to me...
Wind Ridge funneling the gales down to the Bow Valley.
Distant Kananaskis peaks.
Helicopter flying below Mount Sparrowhawk.
Banking into a turn between Rimwall summit and the Three Sisters to come check out this guy on the summit.
A fly-by and a wave from the pilot!
And back down to Canmore. Probably a good idea for me to start heading down as well…
Looking back at the Windtower and West Wind Pass on descent.
Moose on the loose in Spray Lake.
A beautiful way to end another day in the Rockies!