Sherbrooke Lake
Elevation: 1800 m
Elevation Gain: 165 m
Sherbrooke Lake is located near the continental divide in Yoho National Park. The lake (and its outflow creek) may take their official names from Sir John Coape Sherbrooke who was the Governor General of British North America from 1816 until 1818.
My Ascents:
August 4 2021
Trailhead: Sherbrooke Lake Trailhead
GPS Track: Sherbrooke Lake
After celebrating my birthday with a family hike around Emerald Lake the day prior, we turned our attention to Grandpa Gord’s birthday 🎈 (which falls on the day after mine). Hoping to enjoy another scenic hike together, we set out for Lake Louise. When we arrived at the popular lake’s inadequate parking lot, however, a wrench 🔧 was thrown into our plans. We were in separate vehicles and there was only 1 parking spot left! Deferring to the “birthday boy’s” wishes, we separated so that he and Grandma could enjoy their day on the crowded overrun Lake Agnes trail. With nowhere to park and no desire to spend hours waiting for a shuttle with our young children, we called an “audible” and quickly decided to hike to nearby Sherbrooke Lake instead.
Arriving at the highway-side parking lot, we were pleased to find an abundance of both parking and fireweed! 😍
LEFT: A gate near the parking lot allows hikers to pass through the wildlife fences which parallel Highway 1. Given the unlikelihood of a bear opening the gate’s latch, it’s not immediately clear why the gate had to be 4 feet off the ground but it was…
RIGHT: 5-year-old Mera, 3-year-old Penny and their ageless Mom easily negotiate the root-filled path through the forest.
The forest featured a variety of wildflowers including pearly everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea)…
The forest also featured at least one, impressively large, toad! 🐸
LEFT: As we approached the lake (which is located about 3 km from the trailhead), we passed over a small creek which proved most amusing for our children…
RIGHT: … and most refreshing for our hot dog!
LEFT: Mera enjoyed the springy, plant-protecting, logs that Parks has placed along the trail, bouncing off of them like some terrifying tigger-kangaroo hybrid.
RIGHT: After bouncing the last half kilometer, we reached our day’s “Plan B” destination: Sherbrooke Lake.
LEFT: As always, Crux wasted little time and submerged in the lake’s cool waters the instant that we arrived.
RIGHT: Penny and Mera enjoy their scenic lakeside lunch.
Mount Ogden towers above, providing much of the backdrop to the Sherbrooke Lake panorama. Click to see larger.
LEFT and RIGHT: The Cathedral Crags rise up to the south as an angler casts his line some 50 – 100 m away. While we were enjoying the lakeshore, we saw 3 other groups of people (none of whom were ever closer than this). Lake Agnes may be pretty but I prefer the relative peace and quiet here!
LEFT: Mounts Niles (left) and Daly (right) provide a beautiful backdrop to the north of the 1.6-km-long lake.
RIGHT: A closer look at Mount Niles (fryer of the French! ⚡).
Crux, Penny, Mera and Brianne display varying degrees of enthusiasm at the prospect of having their photo taken.
After the requisite lunch, photos and soaking of feet/paws, Mera and Penny started their “bounce” back down while Brianne, Crux and I followed using more conventional hiking techniques (ie: walking).
The trip down to the scenic trailhead proved surprisingly quick thanks to one of the kids suddenly having to “potty” badly. Must have been all that bouncing… 🚽
LEFT: Penny and Brianne wait, unimpressed, while a certain bouncing someone occupies the ancient “loo.”
RIGHT: Final fireweed-filled views towards nearby Mount Victoria from the parking lot.
Celebrating a successful “Plan B” hike with chocolate cupcakes! 🧁 They were supposed to be for Grandpa’s birthday but we weren’t about to drive back to the absurd Lake Louise parking lot to deliver them. Sorry “Grumpo!” 🙃