Larch Hills Lookout
Elevation: 800 m
Elevation Gain: 338 m
The Larch Hills are an officially named series of larch-laden hills that extend 25 km south of Shaswap Lake between Salmon Arm and Mara Lake, BC. The Larch Hills Lookout is located about halfway up The Enderby Cliffs and provides fine views across the valley towards the Hills.
My Ascents:
August 23 2021
Trailhead: Enderby Cliffs Provincial Day Use Area
GPS Track: Larch Hills Lookout
In late July, my sister- and brother-in-law welcomed their first child: Maren Willow. A trip to their BC homestead was, therefore, organized (as soon as all of the new grandparents finally vacated it) so that the Hobbs’ could meet “Baby ‘Ren.” Being an uncle is a privilege since my primary duty in this capacity is to be fun and to annoy my sister/brother-in-law by spoiling their little one. Indeed, I’ve already compiled an extensive list of the loudest toys available. For now, however, Maren is too little for toys and our visit, instead, focussed on baby snuggles and spending time together.
LEFT: A very happy “Auntie Goat 🐐” meets her niece. In fact, it was mildly alarming to see how happy she was holding a new baby…
RIGHT: Mera and Penny (and “Rosy” the dog) meet their little cousin Maren. 🥰
After getting our fill of “snuggles”, the new parents decided that a visit from the Hobbs’ was a fine excuse to take 1-month-old Maren on her first hike. We, of course, did not object and soon found ourselves setting off from the nearby Enderby Cliffs trailhead.
3-year-old Penny and 5-year-old Mera eagerly show off their hiking skills for Auntie Jana.
LEFT and RIGHT: The early sections of the hike featured forests filled with “old man’s beard.” 🙃 One of those beards, however, belonged to proud new Dad Craig who had the privilege of carrying little Maren on her first hike.
LEFT: Penny’s ability to hike on her own advanced considerably this summer, however, seeing her little cousin in a carrier set her back somewhat. After a tantrum or two, she soon scored a piggy-back. 🤦♂️
RIGHT: Jana leads the way while Craig (now stuck with the 2 littlest hikers) takes up the rear.
Improving views amidst thinning forest near the “Shuswap Lookout.”
After 3 km of hiking with kids, we reached the “Larch Hills Lookout” which served as our destination for the day.
Big smiles all around for “Baby ‘Ren’s” first hike. ❤️
Little Maren’s first hike was definitely scenic as evidenced here! Click to see larger.
Unsettled weather over Enderby, BC to the south.
The meandering Shuswap River.
The Larch Hills rise up over Grindrod, BC to the north.
Craig, Jana and the family’s newest (and sweetest) little hiker. 🥰
LEFT: Mera and Penny pose proudly with their (sweaty lol) Uncle, Auntie and new “Baby Cousin!”
RIGHT: Before we even started hiking, Craig insisted that we take an “epic Simba 🦁” picture on top. Luckily, Maren was happy to oblige! On an even more amusing note, mouse over to see how ridiculously far back the responsible first-time Dad stayed from the edge his own personal "Pride Rock"! 😂
Maren, apparently, works up quite an appetite during Disney reenactments and Craig's penance was a lengthy bottle feed. 🍼
LEFT and RIGHT: Brianne and Mera wait patiently while Maren chows down. Apparently sitting/playing in the dust was the thing to do up here...
LEFT and RIGHT: Crux and Penny also waited very patiently (although they preferred to put their time to use napping)! 😴
LEFT and RIGHT: After everyone enjoyed lunching/napping/getting dirty at the lookout, we meandered back down the 3-km trail. Surprisingly, the descent proved uneventful and featured no meltdowns from children or parents!
LEFT and RIGHT: Celebrating Baby Maren and her first hike with “special drinks” back at the trailhead!
Congratulations Jana and Craig and welcome to the family Maren!