Yam Shoulder
Elevation: 1730 m
Elevation Gain: 380 m
Yamnuska is the unofficial but commonly used name for Mount John Laurie. This aboriginal term aptly describes the peak and translates to “wall of rock.” Yamnuska is one of the first peaks seen while driving west from Calgary on the Trans-Canada highway and was formed by the McConnell thrust. This geologic event thrust older Cambrian limestone cliffs over the younger sandstones of the lower mountain. The peak’s lower east ridge is the typical hiking/scrambling approach and is sometimes referred to as Yam Shoulder.
My Ascents:
April 27 2018
Trailhead: Yamnuska Day Use Area
GPS Track: Yam Shoulder
After a long and bitter winter, spring arrived very suddenly in southern Alberta this year! Daytime highs soared to 25 degrees C and snowbanks vanished almost overnight, making it intolerably pleasant in the city. As it became suddenly appropriate to wear shorts and t-shirts, the urge to hike compelled my family and I westward towards the (still-snowbound) Rockies. With 2 little ones in tow, Brianne and I opted to slake our hiking thirst with a quick trip up the popular Yamnuska approach trail to the peak’s grassy east shoulder. The peak’s proximity to Calgary made for a quick drive (always a bonus with 2 little ones) and we reasoned that most of the hike would be suitable for a toddler with energy to burn!
My hiking girls pose proudly while Yamnuska’s south face rears skyward from the trailhead.
Mera models the latest in (hand-me-down) hiking fashion.
Poop on the trail provided an early highlight for the toddler among us.
Mera shows her mom how it’s done as the trail steepens.
Hmmm. A bit snowier than we bargained for!
Our ‘forgotten child’ certainly didn’t mind the snow!
Family selfie as we break out of the trees. Note that I’m now wearing my training weight.
Brianne and Penny look out over the eastern edge of the Rockies.
The world’s cutest training weight and I. Mountaineers who complain about ‘heavy overnight packs’ should really try hauling a toddler sometime! At least tents don’t kick and pull hair while demanding to be put down!
Looking east towards the Nakoda on the Lake Lodge.
Nearby Yamnuska (right) dominates the panorama from the easternmost point on the shoulder (click to see larger). This point also happens to be one of the more open viewpoints below the peak’s rocky ramparts. We continued upwards for a bit past here and found thicker forest on the shoulder’s gentle slopes. For those seeking a quick hike, this slightly lower point offers one of the better views that you’ll find before the actual scrambling starts.
Yates Mountain, Skogan Peak and Mount McGillivray sit in front of a sea of snowier Kananaskis peaks to the south.
My ‘Baby Bear’ looks out over her kingdom ... while collecting ticks.
Enjoying an open but steeper spot on the shoulder where we opted to stop for lunch.
Pleased with our decision to bring M&Ms for lunch!
The whole family enjoys one last view before retracing our steps and making our way back down the hiking trail (less fun and less speedy than scree skiing down the scramble route unfortunately).
Brianne enjoys the views (and the novelty of finally being able to spend time outdoors now that it's nice!).
Brianne served as the ‘driver’ on our descent, bringing an end to our first family hike of the season. After a long winter, everyone enjoyed an overdue dose of fresh mountain air even if it came along with a little more snow (and at least one more tick) than we’d bargained for!
Bring on hiking season!