Mount Temple
Elevation: 3543 m
Elevation Gain: 1690 m
"From a base fifteen hundred feet higher than Laggan, this western face rises in one unbroken wall of nearly four thousand feet. A plateau above the latter is occupied by a magnificent area of glacier and neve, sweeping down in curving folds from the summit to the top of the wall, while the overhanging seracs above, and the fine powder on the scattered ledges below tell of many a thundering avalanche of ice. This is Mount Temple." Walter Wilcox perfectly described Mount Temple following his party's successful first ascent in 1894. Temple was the first peak over 11,000 feet ascended in the Canadian Rockies and is the largest peak in the Lake Louise area. It was named for Sir Richard Temple, who visited the Rockies in 1884 as leader of the British Association Excursion Party.
My Ascents:
August 23 2009, October 2 2010, August 28 2012
Trailhead: Moraine Lake Parking
Blue skies and a sunny forecast? Best get out and take advantage of the good weather in a big way! And what bigger way than to take on an 11,000er with Brianne?
The impressive north face of Mount Temple as seen from across the Bow Valley earlier this month in Skoki.
Massive marmot sighting in Larch Valley. These beasts must be the reason for the trail restriction (which we may or may not have ignored).
Brianne seeing how close she can get to the marmot. The answer? Very. Sentinel Pass and the southwest ridge route up Temple in the background.
Awesome views of the Valley of the Ten Peaks from the Minnestimma Lakes. With a couple hours of hard work, we'll be above all of those peaks; in fact, we'll be above everything in the southern Canadian Rockies, save Mounts Assiniboine and Goodsir.
The Grand Sentinel from Sentinel Pass. Paradise Valley below at the feet of Mounts Lefroy, the Mitre, Mount Aberdeen and Haddo Peak.
The Minnestimma Lakes, Larch Valley and the Valley of the Ten Peaks from one of the highest passes in the Canadian Rockies.
Epic chipmunk.
Wondering what she got herself into...
It's not just the scree that's breathtaking! Mount Neptuak, Eiffel Peak, Pinnacle Mountain, Mount Hungabee, Ringrose Peak, Glacier Peak and Mount Lefroy from a prominent spire on Temple's flank. Click to view larger.
Breaking through the more challenging rock bands.
Catching my breath.
Brianne overcoming the cream-colored rock band. Pinnacle Mountain and Eiffel Peak (3067 and 3084 m, respectively) not looking so high anymore...
Mount Hungabee and the slightly smaller Ringrose Peak tower above the Horseshoe Glacier and the head waters of Paradise Creek.
1690 m above the car, my beautiful Breezy Goat summits the highest peak of her life, Mount Temple (3543 m or 11,627 feet for the metrically impaired). So proud of you Boss!
Moraine Lake over a mile straight down.
Lake Louise panorama! From left to right: Glacier Peak, Mount Stephen (distant), Mount Lefroy, the Mitre (short), Mount Victoria, Pope's Peak, Collier Peak, Mount Aberdeen (foreground), Mount Whyte, Haddo Peak (foreground), Mount Niblock, Mount St. Piran, Sheol Mountain, Mount Fairview and Mount Hector (distant). Just to name a few. ;) Click to view larger.
Massive hanging glaciers on Mounts Lefroy and Victoria.
On top of just about everything! I love you Boss!
Distant Mounts Niles, Balfour and Daly at the southern end of the Waputik icefield.
Found this in the summit register. Awesome.
The reason she's so happy is that she had cell phone reception.
Glaciated Mount Ball and Stanley Peak beyond Mounts Bident and Quadra.
Flexing those goat muscles! Deltaform Mountain, Mount Neptuak, the Goodsir Towers and Eiffel Peak (way down in the lower right corner) in the haze beyond.
Brianne waves from the summit of Temple. Panorama Ridge, Storm Mountain (distant), Mount Ball (distant), Stanley Peak (distant), Bident Mountain, Mount Quadra, Mount Babel, Mount Fay, Mount Little (hardly), Mount Bowlen, Mount Tonsa, Mount Perren, Mount Allen, Mount Tuzo, Deltaform Mountain, Neptuak Mountain, Eiffel Peak, Wenkchemna Peak, Mount Vaux (distant), Mount Biddle and Mount Hungabee all below. The south Goodsir tower 24 m above. Can't win 'em all! ;) Click to view larger.
Skoki beyond the Temple Glacier.
The path from the east ridge route up Temple.
The snow arete that climbers who have ascended the east ridge must cross. No thanks! Don't they know there's a perfectly sane route up the southwest ridge?
Brianne admiring the last views of Moraine and Consolation Lakes as we prepare for the long trip down.
The Fay Glacier beyond interesting snow sculptures on Temple's summit ridge.
About to scree down over the edge of the world.
A pleasant perch in the middle of the uppermost rock band.
Focused goat.
Wiggling down a chimney to overcome the most difficult rock band.
It's all over but the hiking!
Beautiful views of the Fay Glacier in the evening light ease the pain of sore feet on the way down from another successful ascent of my favorite peak; this time with my favorite person. Click to view larger.